organisations I enjoyed working with
(Not exhaustive list - Alphabetical order)
Innovatively design the Hospital 2024-2029 plan, composed of 5,500 professionals
The CHV positionned environmental, social and governance issues at the heart of their strategy, making sustainability our central focus.
The team also gave a major role to co-construction in the approach, actively engaging more than 500 members in defining the Hospital Purpose, 5 year vision and roadmap.
Prepare the next 5 years with an impactful strategy and operating methods adapted to the team growth
A new direction defined and shared by all:
The 5-year vision is clarified
A roadmap is co-constructed
New cross-functional projects are being launched
Cross-selling of projects is a priority between teams.
Improved operating modes:
A new managerial dynamic with the new management team
The founding values and principles of the Léonard DNA are revalidated, enriched and shared.
Better mutual knowledge and smoother interactions
Greater collective commitment to achieving ambitions
In a context of multifactorial transformation, the team must improve its capacity to prioritize, delegate, support each others.
Clear Define the scope of action and influence of each hierarchical level in the team.
Create greater security and strengthen the bond within the team
Reinforce the capability to assess and communicate priorities to stakeholders
Take advantage of the HR team seminar to reinforce team spirit
Boost of the team spirit which facilitated the work on the department strategy
A long term shift in the team dynamics
Test of a new tool (MBTI)
Be clearer about each other's ways of working and everyone's strenghts.