
As an hr leader, do you want to:

  • Promote a new managerial culture?

  • Encourage new leadership styles?

  • Support the development of new skills, mindsets and pratices?

  • Contribute to the sustainable transformation of your organization?

  • Focus on what is essential?

  • Preserve your time and energy?


I can support you in offering:

  • Individual coaching

    Either for you or your talents to support career development, reinforce motivation and sense of meaning at work. Amongst other tools, possibility to conduct MBTI assessment and 360° evaluation interview.

  • Team coaching

    Either for you or teams in your organization to activate smooth ways of cooperation, the integration of multi-faceted performance in your HR day-to-day activities, etc.

  • Workshops with employees

    Leverage various methods to engage your stakeholders: MBTI, co-development, world café, the human factor fresk to foster co-responsibility and unlock obstacles, brainstormings & creativity sessions to clarify corporate culture foundations and opportunities for growth, non violent communication, etc.

    Depending on the nature of the mission and approach, a workshop workshop lasts 1 day or 1/2 day.

  • Learning & Talent development

    As a change & sustainability expert, I do conferences and share returns of experience.

    I also can support the deployment of your trainings and offer learning explorations on new forms of leadership, ways to engage employees, ESG issues and approaches.


you’ll achieve your goals with more ease and clarity.

you’ll multiply your impact on the organization.

  • Empowered and motivated employees

  • Innovative learning experiences

  • Embodied values and leadership styles

  • Further cooperation between people and departments

  • Higher company agility