When I share my vision of acupressure as a source of inspiration for the sustainable transformation of organizations, key questions emerge: How to influence a variety of interlocutors? How, in particular, can we engage the operational people on the ground and in middle management? How to avoid imposing your views or manipulating others?
While there are many ways to answer these questions, I would like to share 5 concrete steps, drawn from my experience. It may help you to engage your ecosystem, without manipulation, and gently transform your organization from the inside out.
Rethink the notion of influence
Two reactions come to mind when I talk about influence: a more or less polite disdain, on the one hand, a malicious pride on the other. This lack of neutrality seems to be linked to the belligerent interpretation of influence: "to exert power on the behavior of someone.”
I prefer to start from the Latin root "influere" which means "to flow into."Rather than acting like a hammer driving a nail, I take my inspiration from water flowing and adapting to the slopes of the earth to produce bountiful crops.
Influence is first and foremost, a way to connect with and inspire others to act in a way they deem fit.
2. Welcome without judging
As sustainability and change enablers, we often hear these kinds of comments:
"I don't understand how this concept of sustainability translates into my day-to-day reality."
"We need to engage operational staff to better understand our mission. This will require a massive training program."
"If people at headquarters need to reassure themselves of their value with beautiful communication campaigns, we don't need that to see our impact. We are in direct contact with operations and customers."
We can easily react by launching into a structured argument with facts and figures, deciding to bury our heads in the sand, complaining, or getting discouraged.
Simply, how often are we able to simply listen to understand and acknowledge what is, without judgment?
3. Adapt to connect
No resistance, no request, no testimony is false or true in itself. Each sharing is a precious reflection of an experience, co-existing with our own.
With the threat of competition between realities removed, it is easier to feel empathy and understand the needs at stake. Recognizing the realities of others is a change in itself because a person who feels fully heard is more inclined to open up to others.
A trusting space is created by attentive and complete listening.
4. Inspire to co-create
Once recognition is anchored, the challenge is then, to turn our eyes towards an ambition that goes beyond individual interests.
This is the moment to recall the purpose of the organization. It is the opportunity to find common ground to move in the same direction while respecting our specific contexts. A time to facilitate a shift in perception about potential blockages and limitations.
It is a time to be creative in co-creating a path together.
5. Reveal & HIGHLIGHT value To empower
I firmly believe that each professional can contribute, in his or her own way, to the emergence of sustainable and responsible organizations. It's time to celebrate everyone’s contribution.
Actually, those who contribute the most to the common good are often the least aware of it, and their social and financial recognition is often meager. The sudden acclaimed importance of garbage collectors and nurses during the first wave of COVID-19 speaks for itself.
Sometimes all it takes is a sincere, humble, specific “thank you” and “congratulations” for a surge of pride and cohesion to take hold.
Activating for change
A case study
In my team, we have conducted dozens of sustainability assessments at our operating sites.
Far from it being an audit where we pointed out what was "compliant", what was not, and what needed to be done to correct the gap; we listened to different employees. We tried to understand their experiences and perceptions regarding the environmental, social, economic and societal performance of their sites. We sought to capture the expectations of external partners. We left room for creativity and free speech. Only then, did we co-define possible improvements in line with a common ambition.
The result? A holistic mirror effect appreciated by all employees. Above all, an increase in motivation, gratitude, pride, and sense of clarity to take control of their daily lives and reinforce their usefulness.
A tool
Here are some questions to ask yourself when trying to influence:
Am I trying to impose or support?
What is the reality of my interlocutor? The challenge here is to understand needs, constraints, imperatives, sources of motivation...
What is the step I can take show understanding and align our mindsets?
How can I reveal the potential impact of our co-creation?
How can I enable the person to activate pride and desire to be a key player in this movement?
a quote
““The most beautiful form of travel is walking towards others.”
call to action
“Tell me, to what extent are you ready to maximize your power of influence to foster a sustainable society?”
As change agents in organizations, we have the opportunity to demonstrate another form of influence. We have the ability to make members of our ecosystem feel recognized for their impact rather than their status. The ability to influence stakeholders to co-construct a sustainable and responsible business is ultimately about honoring them, fueling their inner fire, and their desire to create a better society.
I am currently doing a market study with my readers, to offer you even more qualitative content and to really help you maximize impact and serenity in your organization.
I am therefore looking for (brave) volunteers who would be willing to give me 15-20 minutes by video or phone to answer a few questions. I know that your time is precious, so thank you in advance to those who will accept!
I want to make it clear that I have nothing to sell. It's really to better understand your current expectations and see how I can create content that will REALLY help you. If you're up for it, let me know in the comments!
Hello everyone, I am Nina cambadélis, a coach and facilitator, specializing in sustainability and organizational transformation. I am also a corporate changemaker in charge of deploying my company’s purpose at the heart of the business.
What I like to do through my activities is to inspire professionals to rethink the business and make them proud to contribute, in their own way, to a more sustainable, human, and nature-friendly world.
If you wish to be supported to:
Become the changemaker you want for the world you expect
Find and assert your leadership or promote the emergence of new leadership styles
Integrate sustainability, purpose-driven initiatives at the heart of your organization
Accelerate your ecosystem's engagement to create systemic change
Make an impact while preserving energy and well-being
Here is a link to an exploration call and a form to further elaborate on your ambition and challenges: English