"You know, Nina, I'm not sure I fit in. I'm afraid I'll fall short of their expectations. Who am I to build this project? I want to engage my ecosystem to transform my organization. I want our products with the least possible negative impact on the environment and society. I want to rethink how we view business success. I'm not an expert. I talk about social and environmental justice but, what do I actually understand about it?"
Many of my interactions with my colleagues and clients sound like this. In such cases, my heart and head are exploding with anger and outrage. The voice in my head is like: “But OF COURSE you are the right person to start this movement and contribute to changing the system and its habits!” I know such a sentence is nice but its impact is small and short-term. How can I get others to believe in themselves? How do I dismantle that darn impostor syndrome that I have felt so often?
At the risk of disappointing you, there is no magic wand. One inner truth though: you are the legitimate choice just by being yourself. No one can save the world, least of all alone. However, as a changemaker, you can be consequential just by acting in accordance with your vision, your power, your pleasure, and your circle of allies.
As Isabelle, an inspiring and empowering coach, said: "Legitimacy is the confidence you have in yourself. Self-confidence is an inner reservoir.”
Let’s [start to] stop waiting for external approval, which is nice to have but is often a leaky basket of expectations. Let’s take a deep breath and transform this dread of "Do I have the right? Can I? Am I capable of launching this movement of change?" into "It's time to become the leader I want to be, for the world I envision.”
Activating towards your change
Write on paper or on your phone - list at least three of each of the following:
Studies and trainings that gave you insights or tools to act like a change-maker,
Experiences, successes, and failures, that allowed you to understand a thing or two about leading change in a given system,
Skills you use so easily that you may have underestimated their value,
People who surround you, near or far (ex. a team, mentor, friend, podcasts, or books). These resources will nourish you along your path.
All of these elements feed your “reservoir of confidence” and therefore your feeling of legitimacy.
Do you really want to waste your fuel of confidence? Is the world in such a satisfactory place that you can avoid making your contribution? It is by doing your part, in your own way, that you are expanding your legitimacy. So let me ask you, what role do you want to play in the world today?
In the next article, we'll see what role you can play in engaging those around you in this systemic change. In the meantime, share your ideas and insights in the comments or by contacting me directly!
““Pour triompher, le mal n’a besoin que de l’inaction des gens bien””
Do you want to become the leader you want for the world you expect? Do you want to accelerate the engagement of your ecosystem towards the change you hope for? Contact me! Here is a the link to an exploration call and the form to further elaborate your ambition and challenges: English