Charles wants to maximize his positive impact on society. He works in an international company in the textile industry. As soon as he thinks of a new idea or senses a possible breach in the company's mission, he raises the alarm. He shouts or raves. He gets angry. He exhausts himself. if his commitment is recognized, his behavior isolates him from the rest of his company. A vicious cycle begins. Opportunities are missed and common irritations persist. So what should be done? Getting exhausted while trying to transform the company from within? Deciding change is unfeasible and leaving the company?
A third way is possible. Charles takes a step back and makes his choice. He decides to stay. He is clear-minded. He understands that in view of his mission, his skills, his desires, his ecosystem’s needs; his balance and value lay in his position as an internal changemaker. However, he has chosen the path of leadership transformation, which liberates one from power clashes, and welcomes the rough edges of life’s reality. To use a metaphor, instead of resisting the waves and storms of the ocean, installing danger signs, and lobbying to build concrete walls on the coastline, he decides to surf the wave along with several company surfers. He trusts his courage, develops his empathy, activates his intuition, relies on his sense of humility, and draws his expertise in eco-design. He looks at the network of potential sponsors and motivated peers, and the supporting arguments that would work.
The result? He teams up with a more visionary colleague while bringing his operational focus. Together, they divide up the roles and assess the right opportunities to make an impact. Above all, they put themselves at the service of the collective network of company wannabe changemakers. The idea is no longer to label what is good and what is not, but to share the vision, pinpoint the root causes of obstacles. The path towards it is actually co-created and defined by those who walk the path as changemakers. Everyone has space, a playground, and a sense of purpose.
* Case study created out of real coaching sessions.
The term leadership often pushes us to our limits.
Some people adore it, others deconstruct it, while some others are suspicious of it. My focus is not to say whether being a leader is good or bad, nor to judge the types of leadership styles, even less to offer you instructions for embodying "good" leadership.
What interests me is the kind of posture that a changemaker can manifest and the ecosystem’s engagement that will result. Because that's what leadership is all about; the influence that an individual will have on a group.
To spread a positive and constructive influence, Charles has - in his way - following the principles shared by Isaac Getz in his inspiring Ted Talk. He created the conditions for equity, personal development, and leadership to collectively create a better future. He also and above all reconnected to himself, to his ambition for the world, and to the otherness that surrounds him.
As you can see, the challenge is not to be a leader in control who pushes his teams to move in the 'right’ direction. The challenge is rather to be the leader of one's life and to contribute to one's ecosystem in order to build the world one wishes to support.
You may think: “OK, thank you, Nina. But how do we do it”?
Here are some steps to get you started:
What are the sources of self-sabotage that prevent you from embodying, serenely, authentic and engaging leadership?
Tips, check out this free test
In your project or mission:
What is the intended positive impact for the beneficiaries?
Why is this important?
To achieve this, how much room and leeway do you give your ecosystem?
“Let’s dare to embody our leadership style to co-create the world we want to see emerge ”
Feel free to share your questions, answers, and feedback in the comments or via private messages. And if you like this article, the best way to celebrate it is to share it!
Do you want to become the leader you want for the world you expect? Is it time to find your leadership style? Do you want to integrate sustainability into your core business? Do you want to accelerate the engagement of your ecosystem towards the change you hope for? If you answer positively to one of these questions and wish to be supported on your journey, contact me! Here is a link to an exploration call and the form to further elaborate your ambition and challenges: English