- The art of taking on the right role to feel energized, strengthen your impact, and engage your ecosystem.
Combine your impact and well-being by simply and fully being yourself - a challenge beaten up by our society. Who has never heard the refrain 'no pain, no gain'? A sly melody that still haunts me sometimes.
What if we could do otherwise? What if we could make a positive impact on our ecosystems while having fun? What if managing your energy would multiply your impact? This is possible.
Imagine a case where Lola is recognized in her organization as being a person on the rise. And yet, she is on the verge of burnout. Why so? Because 70% of her time is dedicated to actions that have an impact, but that is draining her energy. She is in charge of following-up her company's 'zero carbon' plan. She does it well. It is rewarding. But after each day spent working on her excel spreadsheet, she is exhausted and discouraged. The remaining 30% of her time is divided between low-impact entertainment, actions that are neither urgent nor important. Only one or two innovative operational projects are close to her heart. Not much fun. However, it is thanks to this observation that in one year, she manages to completely reverse the balance.
How does she do it? By following three steps:
She asks herself what role she deeply wants to play in accompanying her company in its ecological transformation. The challenge is not so much to know what recognition would be linked to it, but rather what pleasure, well-being, and self-alignment would come from it.
Once she is clear about what she deeply enjoys, she is able to delegate the right activity to the right person who thrives in doing it. That results in a win-win situation: empowering her ecosystem and reducing her energy-depleting activities.
Finally, she recreates a balance between all of her activities, so as to better support her ambition to be a changemaker.
The result?
More impact because of more energy.
More influence on her ecosystem because of her increased radiance.
Activate yourself for change
1 - Evaluate the division of your activities according to the following grid:
Based on a Positive Intelligence Module by Shirzad Chamine
2 - Ask yourself: What role and actions energize me and have a strong impact on my ecosystem? What can I do to be fully engaged in this role on a daily basis?
3 - Identify who would be in their zone of genius doing the activities you want to delegate and/or avoid? How do you surround yourself with these people? If you can’t delegate, how can you reduce the drain on your energy while doing it?
“There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing”
And the most important thing should be the one you align with, based on its impact, your talents, and your level of energy!
Keep an eye open for the next article on leadership styles that will motivate people to come with you!
Do you want to become the leader you want for the world you expect? Do you want to accelerate the engagement of your ecosystem towards the change you hope for? Contact me! Here is a the link to an exploration call and the form to further elaborate your ambition and challenges: English